
Thursday 2 August 2012

7 Questions with Gentri Lee

Cornetto! :)

1. It's the first day of August- Are you savoring the Summer or ready to jump into Fall?
Being in Australia, I'm so ready for Spring. But Autumn is a brilliant season. :)

2. You need a quick and healthy meal, what do you make?
A tuna wrap with lettuce.

3. You're at the mall, how do you shop?
I usually have a shopping list of basics I need. But other than that I pick and choose. 

4. Would you rather buy a new house or renovate an old one?
Renovate an old one, or build my own. I would love to find an old one and make it mine. :)

5. Long hair or short hair?
Well, I have short hair, so I don't know. I'm thinking of growing it longer, but it'll take awhile. But I like long hair better, you can do so much more with it. :)

6. Who is your oldest (not by age) friend?
Probably Emily. We've pretty much been friends since Year 2, and Emma, we've been friends since she came home from the hospital.(Emma lived diagonally across from me, and was my pastor's youngest daughter, she now lives in Perth.)

7. What is your favorite blog- currently? 

Bella Ragazza. It's been my favourite blog for a while partly cause Kelsie and I have struck up a great blogger friendship. :)


  1. Don't you love making great blogging friendships? They're the best. :)
    So glad you joined the link up! And I should have included the question in reverse for you southern hemispherers. :P Sorry about that!

    1. They are quite!
      :) I love the "7 Questions with Gentri Lee" link ups. You think up very good questions.
      And that's alright, you get used to being the 'lesser' hemisphere. :p

  2. Awesome! :3
    Haha now I want a Cornetto >_<

  3. Hey Sarah!
    I just nominated you for the Libester Award over on my blog... hope you can check it out!


be nice, and check back. i do reply to super awesome, friendly comments!
xx be my kindred spirit xx