
Saturday 3 November 2012

Happy Birthday to the Besties!

Outfit details
Poncho: Target
Hat: The sister's.

Dear Eloise,

I know this is crazy late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You're 18, and I cannot wait to see you in January. I think I'm flying out at the end of December... I'll let you know. Your blog is so cool, and I love seeing your photos! I wish I was as talented at photography as you. xo

Dear Jenna, 

You're 16! That means you can drive (in Australia, anyway. I don't know how old you have to be to drive in Scotland) Did I tell you how much I miss you?!? I think I did. I miss your face, your smile, your laugh. I hate having to look at FB to see what you're doing. xo

I love you two to the moon and back,

PS. Look out for the above photos in your mail.
PPS. I hope you like what I got you.
PPPS. Write back to me!


  1. Awww! Sarah, you are so sweet! That completely made my day. :) xo

    1. I'm glad! Meeting you made my year. <3


be nice, and check back. i do reply to super awesome, friendly comments!
xx be my kindred spirit xx