
Sunday, 11 June 2017


i'm almost crying as i write this. i recently had friends from victoria visit me, and it made me so homesick. i had forgotten how much i miss that little state, and the people there. hearing that accent again was like being back on the farm surrounded by people who i love, and who i know love me. and just spending those few days with the boyz cemented that. i miss it so much at this very moment. but i'm sure this moment will pass and i'll be fine in a few days.

living in victoria wasn't the easiest thing to do. i struggled with being away from home (i was 16 when i moved out there), mental health issues, (see this post for examples) and just general teenage angst stuff.
but ever since moving back to WA, it's been a dream of mine to move back there. it's been three long years here, and i feel that i've come to the end of my tether. the only things keeping me here are the fact i don't have a job over there and i have a pretty decent church community here. (though, i have been telling people at church that i'm planning to move back east sooner rather than later.)

i've also been looking through all my old vic pics and seeing how little the children were, and just reminiscing about that year and how it was. it's a very dangerous thing to do...

(this post wasn't even supposed to be all about victoria and my feelings toward the subject, haha. it was supposed to be about what i've been up to lately, specifically when the boyz were visiting.)

listening to this and this (skip to 3:10) xx

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be nice, and check back. i do reply to super awesome, friendly comments!
xx be my kindred spirit xx