
Monday, 29 April 2013

XVII {29/04}

i: spontaneous trips to the beach
ii: beach with two of my fav girlies
iii: sunsets at said beach
iv: haircut selfies {complete with big eyes, and shoulder pads}
v: new shoes

Another year older. Another year wiser. Another closer to meeting my future husband, to meeting all my wonderful children, and my in-laws, and my children's in-laws. Another year well lived. Another year closer to death.

17 is a beautiful number. So elegant in it's writing. Standing up straight, even when under pressure. 17 is a great age.


Thursday, 18 April 2013


absence of any sound or noise: stillness

#prayforBoston #prayforNewtown #prayforAmerica #prayfortheworld

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Life is Sublime, Love an Added Benefit

I'm back!! I mean, I'm back in WA with my family. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you'll already know this... :) And as always, I need to readjust myself to home life. :p

There are pros and cons of living at home. Like how Mum does ALL the washing. (I have to do all my own washing on the farm.), but I have to share a bedroom with my little sister. (The room is half the size of my room on the farm.) Auntie Karen spoils us, but she can be a bit annoying. I get all my shoes, and clothes back, but there's limited storage space. (I have in built storage on the farm.) Also, Perth is much warmer than Vic, but it's a different warm, but it also means I can go to the beach!

But, seriously, guys, I'm loving it here! When I first get home, all I did was sleep, eat, sleep, and then do it all again. There's a 2hr time difference between Vic and WA, so I gained 2hrs coming back. :) But I think my body has finally settled into being in WA again... It took a while.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:27 NIV

Saturday, 13 April 2013

He Satisfies My Every Need

All of these words. And never one of them I feel satisfied with. Everything I do, what happens with it when I'm gone? I write poetry, and compose my own music. And yeah, I love it, but none of the words that I write, none of the tunes that I sing satisfy me.

The problem is that I have (had) a hole in my heart that needed filling. And no worldly thing could ever, and will ever, fill it. I guess, one could say that it was a God-shaped hole. I know that it seems ridiculous to some of you, but I've had a God-shaped hole in my heart since I was 12. Slowly, I'm letting God fill it. One step at a time.

I'm reading through the Torah (Genesis-Deutoronomy) at the moment. It's different reading it for yourself and not hearing the Bibles stories at church/Sunday school. There's a deeper revelation of what God has done. I encourage you if you want to find out more about what makes God tick, read the Torah. If you want to find out more about His salvation plan for the world read John. :)

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

I Am

I am joyful.
I am making clothes. (soon guys, soon)
I am happy.
I am going home.
I am seeing my friends.
I am in love with the I AM. (Jesus)
I am saved.
I am blessed. (to be a blessing)
I am writing.
I am Sarah, and this is my blog.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Today, I Feel Protected.

As I write this, I'm sitting on a bed in the spare room of my grandparent's place. (Dad's parents) I am joyful.

I went to Koorong, (a Christian book store) bought some things. I had an iced coffee, I hung out with my cousins yesterday, and the day before that. I've survived Melbourne traffic. I'm going home tomorrow!

I'm at peace with myself. I feel I can take anything that comes my way. I know I make mistakes but, I have a Saviour who is big enough to protect me.

Today, I feel protected.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Thoughts on the Cross

"Perfection cannot be measured with a single glance. It has to be touched, to be felt. In the same way, one cannot merely glance at Yeshua (Jesus) for His Glory, His perfection outshines the sun. Can one look at the sun without being overwhelmed? NO! Therefore, when one looks to the LORD, one must expect to be dazzled, to be taken on a journey to the highest heavens. One must expect to weep with joy, to be overcome, when one sees the LORD for the first time.

Is that not how you felt when you were saved? You saw the LORD, your Messiah, the Son of God, for the first time with clear eyes, and you were overwhelmed. You throw off your rose tinted lenses, and danced in His presence. When one can see so clearly why would one want to lose that vision, that precious gift of sight? One can finally see without looking through the world’s lenses first. Wouldn't one want to tell everyone to throw off their chains and accept the redemption, the freedom, that comes with acknowledging, with accepting, Yeshua as Saviour and Lord."

I wrote this a couple of nights ago. Just reflecting on the MASSIVE sacrifice Jesus made on that cross. I mean, what sensible man would die for my sins, let alone the sins of the whole world? One of my favourite songs at the moment is Circle by Flyleaf  And it goes:

No man shows greater love
Than when a man
Lays down his life
For his beloved.”

It just demonstrates what happened on the cross, 2,000 years, or so, ago. 

The perfect love was shed for us.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Happy April!

Summer is officially over. The air has changed, and you have to wear shoes outside. The wind has turned from cool relief to a winter freeze. Even the walls know what is going on; they’re almost too cold to touch.
But it’s that horrid, awkward weather. It’s a bit too warm to pull out the winter woollies, but it’s cold enough to warrant jeans, and a jumper.

Hello, Autumn, I've missed you. Hooray, you’re finally back! The season of celebrations, and birthdays, of sorrow, and of heartache.

I have a love/hate relationship with Autumn. It’s’ the time of year when I start to descend into my valley again, but it’s also the time of year to celebrate! I turn another year older. (And at the end of the year I GRADUATE!)

Autumn is my favourite season, and April is my favourite month.