Why hello friends! I'm Kelsie and I blog over at
Bella Ragazza! I'm a homeschoold high school student with a love for coffee and chocolate...seriously coffee
and chocolate, it's the best:)! I consider blogging to be one of my hobbies and I play the violin. I like to read, and I hope someday to be able to travel and see the world along with all of it's different cultures and people. I like to try new things and I probably spend too much time on Pinterest. Most importantly, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and I strive to serve Him daily, and live my life
forHim. But that's enough about me, come stop by my blog and tell me a little bit about yourself, okay?:)
Point and shoot cameras || make the best of it
So maybe you don’t have a fancy new Nikon or Canon, but you can still have awesome pictures. Here are a couple of tips I have for taking the best pictures with a point and shoot camera:
1. Use your cameras actual settings, and use them for what they were made for. If you are taking pictures of flowers, use the flower setting. If you are trying to get action shots, use sport.
2. Sometimes flash isn’t always the best. When using flash sometimes it can really make a picture look not-so-good. It can wash people out and make the people look shiny (trust me; I don’t need help with that :).
3. Try different perspectives. I think point and shoot cameras take awesome pictures when set on a stable object and takes a picture from a low point of view of objects. Try lying in the grass and just taking a shot of the sky, or try setting it up on a tripod and taking a couple outfit pictures!
4. Don’t be afraid to take it along with you to places. It’s small, so it’s handy to take with you everywhere. So take pictures of everything!
5. When taking a picture with a point and shoot, make it count. Don’t just snap a million shots of whatever you want to capture, take the time to get a good angle, light, and view.
6. Light, light, light. Try and find a place to take your picture with a lot of natural sunlight. I find that natural sunlight takes a lot better pictures that just the light from your table lamp.
7. Do NOT over edit your photos! Just use simple, subtle editing. No one likes to look at a picture that is too busy. (try and stay away from too much “eye bright”, “mascara”, “airbrush”, and “teeth whitening” effects, use them in moderation!)
Here’s a couple of shots I got with my point and shoot:
I ask if anyone would like to use my photos to please link back to Bella Ragazza. Thanks.