
Friday, 25 May 2012

What I Wore// It's Been A Pyjamas Sorta Week

Outfit details:
woolen shirt: hand-me-dowm
singlet: target
jeans: target
feet: courtesy of God
toe ring: prouds

Literally! I've been sick. Like, snotty nose, hacking cough, raging headache, ridiculous earache, sorta sick. So I've been running around my house in my P.J's.  And I went to the doctor's (my favourite place to be anytime of the year, read more here, and here) Now I have to take "horse tablets" coz my wisdom teeth may be coming through the wrong way... 

outfit deets:
shirt: tools 4 change
pj pants: target
socks: big w (i think)
scarf: handmade

This post has taken me a whole blooming week to write. I've been adding bits and pieces here and there, and everywhere.

I have to go to a funeral today... Seriously, I hate those things... I'll tell you a story about why they bear bad memories in the next post. (hopefully sometime over this weekend.) Mum's going to Perth so we'll find out, shan't we?

awesome/challenging posts {here}{here}{here}, {here} and {here}


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Random Musings That I Feel I Should Post..

Today has been normal. Average Sunday. Embassy in the morning, blogging/fb in the arvo.

It's funny coz nearly a month after my actual birthday, presents are still trickling in. Mostly owl stuff. I have heaps of that now!

And please ignore the face... It's shocking, is it not? 
It's clock keyring! :o in the shape of an owl!
Babysitting tomorrow... Oh the joy! I will seriously miss those kids when they leave... (in about a month or two)

Oh, and thank goodness for spell check. Otherwise mi wurds wood look lyk thus... Awkward much.

So I'm gonna go to bed now.

Oh, my scooter is now called Tawny... :) She is hawt!
linking up {here}
awesome post {here}
awesome song/video {here}

Friday, 18 May 2012

What I Wore//Winter Wishes

outfit details:
I wore
jumper: handmade
jeans: target
socks: kmart (i think)
scarf: jeans west
naomi wore
dress: op shop
watch: kmart
headband: diva
feet: courtesy of God
It's getting colder here... I was actually wearing ugg boots but then my feet started to smell, just a bit. I convinced Naomi to take some photos for me. :) I actually do love that chick... <3

Blue and white polka dots

I've painted my nails twice this week. From blue and white, to pink and white. :) Coz I can, and I got bored.   The only reason I took off the blue polish is coz I had Girls' Brigade so I had to take them off.

And I'm lining up guest posters for the next couple of week. So if you're interested contact me {here}, or comment below with your blog URL so I can contact you! :)

And an awesomely awkward picture to finish it off. Is my dog
not the cutest thing in the world?

Thursday, 17 May 2012

So I Forget... Don't Judge. :)


So I was gonna post yesterday. I'm being super slack. But maybe it's good. I may have possibly got two guest posters lined up for sometime next week. Amy, and Sam

I'm trying to improve my blog look. Does anyone know how I can make gadget titles? You get what I'm talking about don't you?

Something like this?

Or this?

Or this?


posting {here}
giveaway {here}, and {here}
awesome post {here}, {here}, {here} {here}, {here} and {here}

Monday, 14 May 2012

So I'm Floundering... In The Deep End


BIG AWESOME NEWS!! Eloise is coming to town!! All the way from the other side of Oz to my side! But... I may not be able to see her. Which is gayyyy! I actually hate not having enough money to do anything. >_< I'm really bummed about not getting to see Eloise (not that the plans or anything is set in concrete)

Eloise... <3

On a side note, my bruise is healing up well (read about it {here}, and {here}) I can barely feel it. 

And you wouldn't believe but I've been working on this post over the weekend and I just couldn't find the right words to say... I've always wanted this blog to be a honest space. A space for people to come and talk. But, then again, honesty and I are not best friends. It's the fact that I keep my major problems to myself. I won't talk to anyone about them. Not even Jess, who's my mentor. (Which is stupid I know but I keep my emotions under the dirt. Can't have everyone seeing I'm not perfect, can I?) I don't know why I'm doing this. It's just happening... Just putting it out there, I do not have my life all together. It's fraying at the seams, and no-one but myself to blame, and no-one (it seems) to turn to. 


giveaway {here}
posts {here}, and {here} made me cry
awesome posts {here}, and {here} (hey, I know they're pretty much the same but, meh, who cares)

I have so many keys now...

Went for a walk

The new effects Photobucket are bringing in are quite amazing!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Update That Makes No Sense At All

So I was telling you yesterday. I stacked my bike... Like, insanely well. And now my arms are really hurting and the bruise on leg just keeps getting bigger.

 And I've decided that I need to fix the "N" key on my laptop. It keeps jamming... like crazy town. I'll be trying to write "and" and BAM it will turn out as "ad." Silly, silly computer!

And I now have a blog friend who lives in the same state as I do :) I emailed Lou the other day and she replied. (with her "horrible sense of humor.") And she is just awesome... I quite like her already! 

And I may be sick rather tired. So I'm still looking for guest posters. So if you want to post on here, then contact me {here}, or comment below with your blog URL. :)

And my mum took my scooter to craft today. I felt like an over-protective mother telling her "do this, do that, that doesn't work well, don't fall off" you get the gist... :p (Oh, and my scooter needs a name. Any suggestions? If so, leave them below in the comment form!)

posting {here}

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

So I Stacked It

So today I went riding. And stacked it... I went around a corner too fast (30kms/hr) and hit the kerb. Bike went one way, I went the other. Gravel rash on my hands, and a graze on my leg. Sorry you can't really see the bruise. I couldn't get a good pic of it. 

PS: Still looking for guest posters! Contact me {here}, or comment below with the URL of your blog!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Still Looking... {edited}

My dad came into my room this morning while I was still in bed... And he's gonna take for another driving lesson tonight! And Bevan (the guy who's fixing my scooter up) came over and said it was nearly finished! I am sooo excited!

But I'm still looking for guest posters. So if you're interested contact me {here}, or leave a comment below with your blog URL so I can contact you. :)


PS: I got my scooter back! It is hawt!! Like seriously! I rode it as well... AHAHAHAHAhAHH! *excited squeal* it is seriously a feeling that no words can describe. It's akin to riding really fast on the back of a horse. But faster. You and the road. You can travel forever. No-one can stop you. 

posting {here}
giveways {here}{here}, and {here}

Coz everyone needs an awkward photo in their posts...

Monday, 7 May 2012

So I Can't Turn Left... {edited}

Super quick update that defos cannot wait until tomorrow:

I drove for about a kilometre! On a road! With cars! Oh, and people, who I may have nearly run over... But that's alright, I kinda quasi knew them... they come into work pretty much every week. :)

So I drove from babysitting to some awesome park, and quickly discovered I can't turn left. Like, at all... I ended up on the right-hand side of the road (for you all you Americans, I drive on the left side of the road. The opposite of you.) It was so exciting!!


Didn't brush my hair...

Vlogging It!

Why hello,

And look at this!! It's a vlog sorta thing...I did it yesterday. :) Hope you like it. I apoligise for the face I pull at the start and the awkward pauses coz I had nothing to say. And the hand movements and pretty much the awfulness of me being on camera...

 Comment below if you want to see more of this sorta stuff.


Sunday, 6 May 2012

Guest Post by Kelsie

Why hello friends! I'm Kelsie and I blog over at Bella Ragazza! I'm a homeschoold high school student with a love for coffee and chocolate...seriously coffee and chocolate, it's the best:)! I consider blogging to be one of my hobbies and I play the violin. I like to read, and I hope someday to be able to travel and see the world along with all of it's different cultures and people. I like to try new things and I probably spend too much time on Pinterest. Most importantly, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and I strive to serve Him daily, and live my life forHim. But that's enough about me, come stop by my blog and tell me a little bit about yourself, okay?:)

Point and shoot cameras || make the best of it

So maybe you don’t have a fancy new Nikon or Canon, but you can still have awesome pictures. Here are a couple of tips I have for taking the best pictures with a point and shoot camera:

1.       Use your cameras actual settings, and use them for what they were made for. If you are taking pictures of flowers, use the flower setting. If you are trying to get action shots, use sport.
2.       Sometimes flash isn’t always the best. When using flash sometimes it can really make a picture look not-so-good. It can wash people out and make the people look shiny (trust me; I don’t need help with that :).
3.       Try different perspectives. I think point and shoot cameras take awesome pictures when  set on a stable object and takes a picture from a low point of view of objects. Try lying in the grass and just taking a shot of the sky, or try setting it up on a tripod and taking a couple outfit pictures!
4.       Don’t be afraid to take it along with you to places. It’s small, so it’s handy to take with you everywhere. So take pictures of everything!
5.       When taking a picture with a point and shoot, make it count. Don’t just snap a million shots of whatever you want to capture, take the time to get a good angle, light, and view.
6.       Light, light, light. Try and find a place to take your picture with a lot of natural sunlight. I find that natural sunlight takes a lot better pictures that just the light from your table lamp.
7.       Do NOT over edit your photos! Just use simple, subtle editing. No one likes to look at a picture that is too busy.  (try and stay away from too much “eye bright”, “mascara”, “airbrush”, and “teeth whitening” effects, use them in moderation!)
Here’s a couple of shots I got with my point and shoot: 

    I ask if anyone would like to use my photos to please link back to Bella Ragazza. Thanks.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Life Lately...

20 followers! You guys are quite amazing! XD I can't believe it!

Anyway, hello!

I got my L's today (which in Aussie terms means "watch out suckers! who owns the road now?") I only had to wait 2 hours as well... no big deal at all... And can some kind soul explain the US driving laws and legislation's? Please?

And I may have two guests posters coming up soon... Eloise and Kelsie! Go check out their blogs! Now! And if you would very much like to guest post, please do contact me {here}, or leave a comment below with your blog URL. :)


My sister stole my camera
And proceeding to take photos
And asked me to be serious...
I went deadpan deathly
But that gets boring after a while
And she took photos of the kinda awesome, creepy looking owl
from the staff who work in the Early Childhood section of the school
And I do need to clean my room. But she's looking pretty good, eh?
Life lately... filled with tisuues, iPod's, phones, nail polish,
earrings, and of course, licence!!!
Two licences in one day! Only took me 2 hours...