
Friday, 23 March 2012

Hunger Games and the bed that moved...

I watched Hunger Games last night!! AHHH!! There are no words to describe the amazing-ness that is Hunger Games! As I mentioned before I went with the besties. And you know, teenagers and cinemas pretty much means popcorn and Skittles flying everywhere. And the manager was patrolling... :)

It's the Father's birthday today. I shall not disclose his age, but I'll tell you he is rather old. :p

The bestie
I still don't like cheese

Photo shoot with the bestie

My life every morning
It was getting rather hot

My glasses are upside down, I know
Mary Poppins is in Perth!

The dog

All of this came off my bottom bed and desk

I moved it pretty much all by myself

My sister is a kook
The new position of my desk

Note the Hunger Games poster...?

And I rearranged my room. So my desk and bottom bed have swapped positions. And my bed has all the stuff off the desk on it. I wonder where I shall sleep tonight... :p

Keep on keeping on,


  1. Swapping is always good. :D I moved my room around not too long ago myself and I have more room now. yay! \o/

    Remy / Cinnamon Bubbles

    1. It is. It's rather strange, my room now has the illusion of looking smaller, but I defos have more space.

      Keep on keeping on,


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xx be my kindred spirit xx