
Wednesday, 27 November 2013

the humdrum of earthly activity

i. a person's daily routine 

ii. what they eat for breakfast (or if they eat breakfast at all)

iii. what they listen to when driving

i. I wake up anywhere between 6am and 9am. I get out of bed anywhere between 6:30am and 9:30am. (I usually spend 30mins checking social media before I get up) Then I'll have a shower, get dressed, and put my contacts in. After that, it's breakfast. Then, I do whatever. Work on some sewing, put the washing on, clean up my room, etc. Lunch is anywhere from 12-3pm, then after lunch I either look after children or do my own thing (go for a walk, do more sewing, etc.) Dinner is usually at 6pm, then after dinner I do the dishes, then surf the net, read, or go straight to bed. (depends how late it is) And I'm usually asleep by 10pm, only to wake up and do it all over again the next day.

ii. while on the farm, I didn't really eat breakfast. I wasn't particularly hungry in the mornings. But, I'm back home for holidays, and Mum wants me to eat breakfast, so I have Greek youghurt with frozen berries, and oats. Maybe a coffee, tea, or freshly-made juice on the side. On the weekends, I might cook up some scrambled veggies. (scrambled egg with fried veggies, eg. mushroom, zucchini, capsicum, carrot)

iii. as I don't really drive much (I'm still on my Learner's) I listen to my father's voice, the wind whistling past the car, the air conditioner, and various other natural sounds. I find that if I have music on, I get to easily distracted. 

from Carlotta's post

Sunday, 24 November 2013


Making:  scarfs, and other handicraft projects

Cooking: dinner. all the time. for seven people

Drinking: lots and lots of water

Wanting: a house by the sea, near a waterfall, in the country, with acres of untouched land

Looking: at the ocean from the backyard

Playing: the Wolf by Jana Gilmore. it is great!

Wasting: nought

Watching: 3 months worth of Blimey Cow videos

Enjoying: new places, & time with family

Waiting: for iTunes to work properly

Wondering: how I managed to convince my mother to let me move all the way over the other side of the country.

Loving: how much weight I've lost since the start of the year. (15kgs, guys! {33lbs})

Hoping: that my 3 page, what I want to do this summer, list gets at least half-done.

Marveling: at how my body copes with certain things

Needing: to pass my practical driving test

Smelling: the crisp ocean air

Wearing: all the clothes I left in WA (and bathers!)

Following: the dotted white lines whilst I drive my family around

Noticing: how much sugary food abounds in the city

Saturday, 16 November 2013

take it away

blonde hair
blue eyes
smiling to hold it all inside
buck teeth
big head
don't want to get out of bed

breathe in
breathe out
count to ten
do it again
close your eyes
just survive

let it out now
cry aloud
let it out now
it'll be alright

take away my fear
throw it in the sea
throw it anywhere
i don't care
just take it away

Friday, 15 November 2013


We interrupt your reguarly unscheduled blog post with a very important announcement.
I'm in half a mind to close this here blog down. Like, I'm being super-duper absolutely very truly serious. 
But anyways, I'm sure you're all itching not to hear about my adventures over this past month or so. So here goes.

Sheep, sheep, baa baa.
What the heck?
What am I doing?
Can't sleep.
Nightmare again.
Pelvic twist.
And again
And again.
Food shopping
Nose wiping
Piano playing
Hips hurting
Back spasms
Knee aches
Shoulder cramps
What am I doing?
Sore feet
Can't sleep
Wake up every hour
Still can't sleep
Hot, cold, hot, cold
Stupid weather
Hang up the washing
Cook dinner
Hang up more washing
Cook dinner again.


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

on again

dearest you

do you realise that what you're doing
is no good?
the pain you feel can be fixed
starving yourself is not the answer

change is in the air
you can smell it, feel it
do you stay or do you go?

shame on you, shame on me
just believe me when i say
every error you make can be erased

you with your tired eyes
making up your crazy lies
life goes on after the end
it goes on, and on again