
Saturday, 27 July 2013

I'm Not An American Blogger

These past few weeks, I've been thinking about what to do. And doing some searching...

One of the biggest things I've realised is the fact that I'm not an American blogger. (hence the title of this post) I don't own a fancy camera, I don't have clothes from all the major outlets. I don't design blogs, I don't have an Etsy shop, etc. The list goes on. You see, ever since I started this blog, I've wanted to be one of those bloggers. You know, the ones with heaps of followers, great pictures, 'perfect' life, cute children. The ones with, seemingly, everything.

I don't know what I'm really good at. You know how you have these people who are really good at one thing, (photography, blogging, music, etc.) well, I haven't found my one thing yet. I like music, and blogging, and drawing, and writing, and children, but I haven't something I really love. Something I want to devote my life to. Maybe that's my problem.

EW, forever is a long way away...

x Sarah

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Dear Naomi,

You're 15 now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! One more year, and you get to do all sorts of cool stuff, like, move out of home, etc. :) (don't move out of home for another 5 years, you'll give Mum a heart attack...)
You're a bit annoying sometimes, but only I or the other two can say that. OK? OK, that's good you understand. Did you know that you're beautiful? Well, you are. And you are loved, not just by myself and the rest of the family, but by a God whose peace surpasses ALL understanding.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

2013 goals update

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This goal has three subtitles because it's like a three part problem/solution.
Guys, I have lost at least 6kgs in the past 6 months. Hot diggity dog, it feels great. :)

This is so not happening. Like, I'm not kidding. It's just too cold outside.
And this one is happening in a rounabout way. As in, I'm eating less sugary, fatty foods, but eating more good, healthy food. (homegrown cabbage tastes llike cauliflower with a hint of mustard, just thought you should know.

This is happening in the strangest way possible. I'm reading the Torah at the moment (that is, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deutoronomy) and learning more about what I can do to become who God wants me to be.

Room is clean! This room clean goal has been quite easy to keep because there are mice in the house and I don't want mouse dropping all over my clothes, etc. 

The other part of this goal is not as easy. I have pretty bad personal hygiene, and just recently, had to resort to writing down when I last had a shower. But now that that's sorted out I can kinda keep plodding along.

It's really easy to save on the farm. Like, seriously, I only spend money on things I really need. (toiletries, etc.) And even then sometimes I don't have to pay for some of my stuff. It's part of my pay! HUZZAH! But I did get 2 new dresses the other day... For $9.98 each, one was originally $59, and the other $49. 


I've changed this goal, because I've realized I don't have a problem with self-confidence but I have a problem. I'm so emotionally scarred so I need some inner healing. 

PS. Doing the Blimey Cow Photo-a-Day challenge