Above The Waters
Don't worry darling,
This broken heart won't kill you,
It'll make you strong,
Less needy.
Don't listen to them
They don't know what they're doing.
Keep it up darling!
Keep your head above the waters!
You can't drown in a life jacket!
Turn away from the mocking jeers,
Dry away the sorrow-filled tears.
Darling give three cheers!
You made it this far.
Don't turn back now.
Love has kept you strong.
Don't let one heartbreak be your downfall.
Keep climbing that mountain.
You'll get there one day.
You'll find someone that'll support you.
Who'll hold you when you're sad,
Dance with you when you're joyful,
And lead you into the clearing.
The one you seek is not far away.
Just keep looking,
Keep praying.
They'll come one day soon,
They'll dry your tears,
Stay all your years,
Share a love passionate beyond belief.
And when you find them
Don't let them go!
Cling with a force like Samson,
Battle with a spirit like David,
And rejoice when they stay,
When they return.
Darling keep you're head above the waters.
The end will come soon.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Monday, 28 January 2013
Dearest Imogen
Outfit deets
Singlet: C/o. Dolly
Skirt: Thrifted
Shawl: Hand-me-down
Shoes: Jay Jays
I'm thinking of changing the blog name to... *drumroll please*
Do you like it?
The meaning behind it is that I don't want this blog to just be my outlet, and you hear all about me. Dearest Imogen will continue to stay the same, but with more vlogs, and encouragements posts. And a much simpler design, and in general a way for me (and you!) to take a simpler outlook on life. Simply put Dearest Imogen means "beloved girl," which is what I attain to become.
dear (deer)
beloved or loved: a dear friend.
Im-o-gen (im- uh-jen)
a girl or young woman
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
I've Moved Town!
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For Sale... I'm moving town! (I've moved) |
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Our house sold in less than a month! |
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Bush right outside my doorstep, now I have the canals. |
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St. Barbara's Square, the centre of town. |
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Tessa was freaking out about being left behind |
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My dad took this photo. Isn't it just precious? |
If you've been following my Instagram for the past month, you'll have noticed certain things.
1. That my house has been sold, and I'm packing to move to Perth.
2. I take way too many selfies...
3. I spend way too much time on my iPod.
But this post is about the first thing. The whole moving thing...
Having have lived all my life in one town (and one house, unless you count the time I moved when I was 6 months old... I don't), the idea of moving was/is foreign to me. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not that I put up a fight when I found out we were moving. I knew, in my heart, that God was directing us out of Kalgoorlie (cow-goo-lee), and in to the big smoke (Perth)
And in other news, I've know I've told you this before. But I'm going to Victoria in TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!! I am so ridiculously excited, and I get to see all the lovely little kids again. :) I had a Skype call with them about three weeks before we left. So I'm leaving on Feb 9th, and I won't be back in WA until the end of March/start of April. :)
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Isn't she adorbs...? |
Monday, 21 January 2013
Survey & Giveaway
I've made up a survey for you to take about the blog. :) And to make it even greater, if you take part in the survey you can enter the giveaway. The entries will be checked! :) Have fun.
{click here to take the survey}
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thursday, 17 January 2013
- 2013 goals -
This goal has three subtitles because it's like a three part problem/solution.
I put on 10kgs (at least) last year, by overeating/not exercising. I'm not proud of the weight I gained so I'm making it my goal to lose all the weight I gained last year.
EXERCISE MORE// I will go do a workout at least 3 times a week. I've been downloading some cool fitness apps, and using them heaps. ;) #bestthingever
I tend to be an emotional eater so this goal is to eat less fatty food, mainly sugars, and fried food.
This is probs the biggest goal this year. Pretty much, I need to make time every day, of every week this year to devote(at least) 30mins to God. Last year, I didn't really read my Bible/pray at all.
I am probably the worst person to come to if you want cleaning advice. As I'm writing this, I'm looking about my room, and there's clothes everywhere. I mean, I'm moving and all, but it still doesn't excuse the mess on the floor.
This goal is more than just keeping the exterior clean. It ties in the above two perfectly. I want to rid myself of bad influences and toxins. No swearing, etc.
I am horrid at saving. So this year, I'll be working on my money handling skills. I'm saving up for a car, guys, and cars are expensive! Also, as I'm seriously looking into the music industry, I'll be looking at getting a recording desk, microphone, and Apple Mac. That's gonna cost a lot. And uni in a couple of years, as well. My parents aren't rich so I have to pay for pretty much all my uni, unless I get a scholarship, or something along those lines.
I suck at social gatherings, and I actually have many people I count as my close friends (I may not have any at all). I'm a shut book in real life, and apparently rather scary... (So my little sister says.) So, with moving and all that, I'll have heaps of opportunities to practice self-confidence, etc.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Self Image - 2013 & Lately
I put a video on YouTube recently, about who I think I am coming into 2013.
thrift shops //catching up with friends //2013 //YouTube videos //my iPod //getting email from Kelsie //finding other Australian bloggers! //my fairy crown // new hairstyles //
Flyleaf's album Memento Mori //Sheryn Bink's debut album (dude, check her out! she's great... better live though!) //Leeland //Jana Gilmore, Leaves //
X-Men //Captain America (so sad at the end...) //27 Dresses //Thor //The Incredible Hulk //Pretty much every Marvel movie I can get my hands on //
packing //cleaning //tweeting //facebooking //instagraming //practicing (Those Roses is doing their first performance on Sunday, pray for us please!) //making YouTube videos //redesigning the blog //stressing //procrastinating //picture-taking // getting my haircut //
getting rid of sponsorship/all ads //a new name? I'm thinking of Dead Oaks, or an incorporation the word "oak/s" in it// new design (do you guys like it) //
Monday, 7 January 2013
2012 (Year in Review)
January: Jan was the continuation of my travels over East. I went to a Girl's Brigade camp, called Fonomarae, in New South Wales.
February: Did my first & second outfit post (see here, and here) I got a slew of guest posters, and interviewees. (see here, and here) I also burnt my leg on a motorcycle exhaust (see here)
March: Reactivated my Twitter account. Stella guest posted for me, and vice versa. Did my first DIY (see here) My blog got redesigned...
April: Turned 16!! Got another slew of guest posters (click the above link) Got the Hunger Games trilogy in a boxed set. Went on Church/Easter Camp (Cheaster Camp)
May: Got my L plates for car and moped. First got in touch with Kelsie. Rode the moped for the first time ever! Did my first vlog. (see here)
June: And another slew of guest posters (again, see above link) Went to a ladies event @ my church. Did my first hair tutorial (see here) Also purchased my first Frankie.
July: Got offered a job in Victoria, as a nanny. Wrote about my faith (see here)
August: Got nominated for my first blog award (see here) Posted a bunch of poetry (see here)
September: Went to Perth to celebrate Caitlin's birthday. Helped Paige celebrate her 18th. (see here)
October: Got my Pioneer Pin. Did my first "If You Knew Me" post (see here) Started Those Roses with my sister. Anoounced that I got a job in Victoria (see here)
November: Decided to change the direction of the blog and changed it into a fashion blog. Celebrated my first blogiversary.
December: Announced to FB that I was moving. Got Instagram.... need I say more! Got an iPod Touch 4th generation 16GB.
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Dear America,
My Pre-Primary kids... All aged between 5-7.
There are no words, no words for the brutal, heartless violence that little children fell prey to the other week. Newtown, Connecticut, experienced the worst ever thing anyone one community can. 20 children were shot dead in a spree that claimed 28 lives.
I am constantly amazed at the gun laws, or lack thereof (it seems), in America. But I can't really judge, giving how little I know about laws in any country. Just stop fighting about it, and do something! Please, before all the children are killed by gunman.
It's Christmas Time (belated)
Outfit deets
Dress: Thrifted
Shoes: Can't remember
Necklaces, earrings: Presents
Christmas was a very low key event. We went out to a community Christmas in the Park, and had party food for dinner. We didn't even put a Christmas tree, or any decorations this year. It's been a crazy festive period this year, as we're preparing to move.
The house is under offer and we're slowly packing up 20 years of our lives. My room is actually really big but cause I had so much stuff in it (bunk bed, 2 bookshelves) it looked really small. I'm actually nearly packed up... :)
Much love,
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Outfit deets
Dress: Gap
Shoes: Jay Jays
Necklace: Co. Girlfriend
All other jewelry: Presents
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I sincerely hope that y'all had a great New Year's, and have a spectacular 2013. I had a fairly quiet New Year's celebrations, and went to a friends place to watch some movies...
This year is a big year for me. I graduate at the end of the year, get my first "adult" job, and move out of home... It's really scary, I'm turning 17, and I get to move out... :)
Watch for a year in review post!!
Much love,
(look for a new design/name)
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