
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

I Burnt The Mince...

Outfit details
Dresss (worn under skirt): Hand0-me-down
Skirt: Big W
Cardigan: Cotton On
Shoes: Thrifted

And I got angry at myself. And I cried, and I hit the wall. Twice. But 6 months ago I would have cut myself. Sometimes I want, and sometimes I try to, but I don't. Something, Someone always stops me..

I make no excuse about Who I believe, for I believe it's the right thing to do. Now I'm not saying that you should do something cause it feels right. I'm saying that you should do something cause you know it's right.

Much love,

Monday, 5 November 2012

It's Been A Long Year

Outfit details
Shirt: Vistaprint
Pants: Target
Cardigan: Thrifted
Watch: Angus & Cootes
Ring: Prouds

I just realized that today marks a year since I started this blog. You can read the first post HERE. It's been a year of ups and downs. Of travels and adventures. Of tears and heartache, joy and laughter. There have been name changes (Sarah's Blog, The One With The B, Keep On Keeping On), URL changes (theonewiththeb, sarahwiki), design changes, etc. In one year I've posted 131 times, gained 40 followers, and had 3,881 page views (at time of publishing)

And even though it's been hard, it's been super fun. I've been through some really black periods in the year. From full on joy, to jaw breaking sorrow. It's been a long year, but a good one!

Much love,

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Happy Birthday to the Besties!

Outfit details
Poncho: Target
Hat: The sister's.

Dear Eloise,

I know this is crazy late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You're 18, and I cannot wait to see you in January. I think I'm flying out at the end of December... I'll let you know. Your blog is so cool, and I love seeing your photos! I wish I was as talented at photography as you. xo

Dear Jenna, 

You're 16! That means you can drive (in Australia, anyway. I don't know how old you have to be to drive in Scotland) Did I tell you how much I miss you?!? I think I did. I miss your face, your smile, your laugh. I hate having to look at FB to see what you're doing. xo

I love you two to the moon and back,

PS. Look out for the above photos in your mail.
PPS. I hope you like what I got you.
PPPS. Write back to me!

Friday, 2 November 2012

WIW: An Ode to all Things Star Wars

Outfit details
Shirt: Jay Jays
Cardigan: Thrifted
Jeans: Target
Ring: Prouds
Watch: Angus & Cootes
Lightsaber: Can't remember

Just recently, it's come to my attention that Lucas Films have been sold the Disney... (read the article HERE) Jocee tweeted about it and I sent her this Blimey Cow video about the atrocity of it all.

And in other news, I've decided that I'm going to change the direction of this blog, and make it more into a fashion blog with just a few DIY's here and there, etc. What do you think? Leave me a comment letting me know. :)

Lots of love,