
Friday, 24 August 2012

7 Questions with Gentri Lee

Athletics carnival...

1. Bold or Understated?

2. You have to survive alone in the wild and you only get to take one thing with you. Your choices are: A Pocket Knife, a Water Bottle, or a Book. Which do you choose and why?

A book, but only because I love reading. :)

3. Thirty Two Cows, Seven Eight Chickens, How Many Didn't?


4. Would you rather die doing one legendary act of service or do small acts of kindness that may go unnoticed every day?

Small acts of kindness. :)

5. Happiness is ________. (one word; fill in the blank)

Life. :)
6. Can you laugh with out smiling?

Yep, but that's not really laughing. Laughing begins from your guts and it makes your sides hurt.

7. Do you pop your knuckles?

Yep, and my mum hates it... :)

Friday, 17 August 2012

Liebster Award

Emma from Point Me At Lost Islands nominated for the Liebster Award. :) This is my first nomination for a blog award!

Here are the rules for the award:
  • Each person must post eleven things about themselves.
  • Answer the eleven questions the tagger has set for you.
  • Choose eleven people and tag them in this post.
  • Follow the tagger and visit at least three of the nominees.

Eleven things about me:

  1. I have an older brother who died when I was 18 months.
  2. I have read every book on my bookshelves at least twice.
  3. I think I'm moving next year (more on that soon)
  4. I'm an ISTJ.
  5. I  haven't moved from my hometown ever.
  6. I want to move to England when I get my degree
  7. I want to be a primary school teacher.
  8. I play guitar, violin, piano, and I sing
  9. My best friend lives in Scotland
  10. I have 3 sisters
  11. I'm an asthmatic

Eleven questions I was tagged in:

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I have always wanted to be a teacher.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The ability to change the emotions of others around me...

What's your all time favourite movie?
All-time fav...? That is super hard, ummm probs The Hunger Games.

If you were stranded on an island and could bring 3 things, what would you bring?
My Bible, a flare, and some matches.

Do you like the ocean, or pools better?
I actually don't like swimming... But I'd have to say a pool. :)

If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be?
Great Britain. I have heaps of relatives over there. 

What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
Tim Tam. :)

What's your dream meal?
Something quick, easy, and healthy.

What's the coolest place you've travelled?
I went to Mauritius when I was 11.

Who are your style icons?
Katy Perry, Emma Stone, etc. 

What's one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?
I had wish I had known that being old isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Eleven questions I'm asking:
  1. Have you ever been overseas? If so, when and where?
  2. Do you have a role model? If so, who and why?
  3. Favourite food? Why?
  4. Favourite country? Why?
  5. Favourite sport? Why?
  6. Any siblings? What ages?
  7. Pets? What type, how old, etc.?
  8. Who are your style icons?
  9. What is your dream job? Why?
  10. Where do you want to live when you get your own house?
  11. Faourite song/artist? Why?
Eleven people I'm tagging:

Thursday, 16 August 2012

7 Questions with Gentri Lee

1. It's back to school time! Are YOU going back to school?
Well, I'm already back at school, and have been for the last couple of weeks.

2. Speaking of back to school... You receive 10 pts if you can name this movie:
"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms."
You've Got Mail... I Googled it.. :p

3. Who did you hang out with in school? Cool kids, jocks, nerds, were you a loner, etc? (all are welcome here- btw)
I hang out with my little sister... (I'm home-schooled)

4. What was your favorite subject in school?
History! But New Testament Survey is the easiest!

5. If you had to go back and redo one of the following, which would you choose and why? Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School, College?
I wouldn't go back

6. Home/ Packed Lunch or School Lunch?
Um, home lunch.

7. What's more exciting? The first day of school or the last day of school?
The learning in between. :)

Friday, 10 August 2012

When It Was Alright

(written 01/12/2011)

I'm sick of crying,
Sick of being tired.
I smile right to your face.
I'm sorry I lied.
I'm trying to make my life better.
I may seem fine,
But inside I'm dying.
I tried to tell you.
But I pushed you away.
I tried to let you know.

But I was too tired.
I looked the other way.
But not before you saw those tears.
Those tears streaming down my face.
I'm sorry I didn't talk to you.
Sorry I walked away.
I'll try to be better for you.
Not stare at you.
It's just sometimes I can't look away.
You have me enthralled,
With everything you say.
The flowers in my hair,
Well, you put them there.
They're dying now,
They're wilting away.
Just like the promise I made to stay.
"I'll come back," I promise,
"I'll come back one day."

And on that day,
I'll run back into your arms.
You'll hold me tight
Tell me everything's gonna be alright.
But I still sometimes cry at night.
Wishing it would be as you said,
When it was alright.

Do You Believe?

(written 04/12/2011)

You whispered into my ears
So only I could hear.
"I love you,
And will never let you go."

Those were the words you spoke to me.
Written on that page.
The writing blurs in my eyes
While I supress my urge to cry
Your words are flooding through my veins
Taking away all my pain.

But then he comes back
He attacks me with such vengence
Such force
That out come all my lies
"I'm okay, I'm just fine"
I'm really dying for a sight of you
But I don't tell you
Because you already know

People stop and stare
They can't get it out of their heads
They ask themselves
"Why does she believe?"
So I ask them
"Do you believe?"

Do you believe in miracles?

In second chances?
In life after death?
In hope after that final breath?
Do you believe in God?
In the one and only Creator?
The one who gave His only son for you?
The one who gave His life foryou? 
So that you could be with Him forever.
Well, I do.

Forever and a Day

(written 04/12/2011)

I asked you
"Why should I believe?"
And you said
"Because that's why you're here"
"But even I don't believe,
Will you still love me?"
"Yes, I'll love you forever.
Even if you don't love me."

I started to cry
Your words were so right.
They helped me through my darkest nights
And even though I'm in the valley
I know your love will stay with me.
Forever and a day.

Desert of Dry Bones

(written 08/12/2011)

Everything inside me cries out.
I raise my voice against this injustice
While I sit in this desert I cry to you.
I sit in a desert of dry bones.

The tears awake me,
Running down my face.
I gasp for lack of water.
My throat parched,
My strength fading.
Breathe into me I pray.
With the Breath of Life behind those lips.

I'm sorry for my imperfection.
Sorry if it makes you feel sick.
The wonder is that you still love me.
Even when I hate you.
"I miss you", you say,
Though I have done nothing to gain your affection.
"I love you", you say,
Though I do not love myself.

I smile at you,
To disguise these tears.
But you see right through me.
Into the deepest depths.
The tears are filling my mind.
The heartache I'm holding inside is taking over.
I'm looking for a way out.
To stop these cracks from showing.
Help me out!

It's Gonna Be Alright

(written 12/12/2011)

Stop crying now,
It's gonna be alright
No-one can see your tears
No-one has yet beheld your pain.
The years are slipping away
Stick a smile back on your face.
So stop crying,
Stop crying now.
It's all gonna be okay

The year you faced was the toughest one yet
Keep your head up, girl
You're gonna get through
It's gonna be alright.

The night may be dark
But there's always light before the dawn.
The tunnel walls are closing,
They're falling on you
Trying to stop you from getting where you want to go
Run away from the things that stop you
Get away from what is holding you back

Let go of the past
Burn the memories that hurt the most
No-one needs to know
Let it go so you can get out
Of the bitterness and chaos.

Stop lying
It's not going to save your life
Drop the walls you've built around yourself
Girl, it's time to get out.

You're a Princess

(written 22/12/2011)

Fingernails chipped
Buck teeth
Smile girl you're on camera now
Hair's all fluffy
Clothes in a mess
Girl grow up
You're a princess.

Don't say no
Don't say how
Just believe
Coz that's all you can do

Your arm's scarred
From when you cried out to God
Get it out now
Before it gets you down
Life isn't over
It hasn't yet begun

Get out of this state
Get out of this mess
Fix your hair,
Straighten your dress
And slap a smile back on that face.
Coz you girl,
Are a princess

Love Can't Be Found

(written 25/01/2012)

I said yes
But the mist descends
And it gets hard to see
The fog is too thick
It's cold again

A mocking laugh
A shrill voice
The devil's back again
Grabs your arm
Razor drawn

"No, not again," you scream
You don't want to know
You scream
You cry
You need God right now

The devil laughs
Whispers in your ears'
"He won't come, not now,
 Just give up."

Blood pours from your arms
Screams heard all around
Love can't be found
Not on this ground

There Is Always Hope

(written 05/02/2012)

You left me wasted by the roadside
Crying in the starlight
No place to go
Nowhere to roam
My life has been stripped
The colours have turned to gray

But you, O Lord, came into my life.
You turned it upside down,
And let me know that
There is always hope

Thursday, 9 August 2012

7 Questions with Gentri Lee

I think I was trying to watch Once Upon A Time on my laptop...

1. The Olympics are awesome! What's your favorite Summer Olympic event to watch?
Gymnastics, hockey, and swimming. Oh, and soccer, track & field, rowing, equestrian... Pretty much everything. :)

2. If you could compete in an Olympic event (either season), which would it be?
Hockey, or soccer (football)

3. Would you rather be tickled to death or poked (by finger) constantly for the rest of your life?
Can I say neither? Probably being poked would be more preferable.

4. Do you keep your nails long or short? Square or round?
I have a short nail plate, so I keep them short, and round.

5. Do you think you're funny?
People say I am, and they laugh at my jokes. So, yeah, I guess I'm funny. :p

6. When you have something you're looking forward to SO much, but it's still a ways off, what do you do to keep yourself distracted?
It's still in the works, and I don't know if it's gonna really happening but I might be moving next year... (more on that later)

7. You've just won an Olympic Gold Medal! What are you going to do next?!?!
Scream and shout, get overly shocked, start crying, run around hugging everyone, etc. I mean, who wouldn't...? 

Thursday, 2 August 2012

7 Questions with Gentri Lee

Cornetto! :)

1. It's the first day of August- Are you savoring the Summer or ready to jump into Fall?
Being in Australia, I'm so ready for Spring. But Autumn is a brilliant season. :)

2. You need a quick and healthy meal, what do you make?
A tuna wrap with lettuce.

3. You're at the mall, how do you shop?
I usually have a shopping list of basics I need. But other than that I pick and choose. 

4. Would you rather buy a new house or renovate an old one?
Renovate an old one, or build my own. I would love to find an old one and make it mine. :)

5. Long hair or short hair?
Well, I have short hair, so I don't know. I'm thinking of growing it longer, but it'll take awhile. But I like long hair better, you can do so much more with it. :)

6. Who is your oldest (not by age) friend?
Probably Emily. We've pretty much been friends since Year 2, and Emma, we've been friends since she came home from the hospital.(Emma lived diagonally across from me, and was my pastor's youngest daughter, she now lives in Perth.)

7. What is your favorite blog- currently? 

Bella Ragazza. It's been my favourite blog for a while partly cause Kelsie and I have struck up a great blogger friendship. :)