I have decided to do a photo challenge! Oh yes, I have. I'll post the photos on Monday or sometime during the week.
Keep on keeping on,
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Life is...
This is the post I wrote for Tease Your Toes. I thought I'd put it up here. :)
Life is tough. And this post is gonna be everywhere. But anyways. Life can be crap but that's why we have God. God says in Deutoronmy 3:16 NIV
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord, your God, goes with you. I will never leave you or forsake you."
God will never leave you or forsake you. He created you for a purpose. Your purpose, as well as the reast of mankind's, is to love, serve, and worship Him in everything that is done on Earth.
"And we know that in all things God works together for good for those who love Him, who are are called according to His purpose" - Romans 8:28 NIV
And as you trudge on through life you, we all, are called to fulfill that purpose.
"In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory."
-Ephesians 1:11-14 NIV
Don't be afraid of living out God's plan for you. For in Isaiah 43:5 NIV God says clearly;
"Do not be afraid for I am with you."
Don't fear what tomorrow may bring. Live each and every day as your last. Run the good race and never give up.
Keep on keeping on,
PS. If you need prayer comment below and I'd love to be able to pray for you. God works, even from the other side of the world. :)
Monday, 27 February 2012
Weekend warrior
This last weekend I have...
Exploded at my mother for something that was entirely my fault
Got really annoyed about the fact I didn't go to Big Church
Had a fight with a friend (it was in a skit)
Went to Macca's with one of my besties
Went to the library with some other besties
Burnt myself on the exhaust of a bike
Lost the abilty to walk properly
Realized that I am actually petrified of motorbikes
Went to SAS (Sunday @ 7pm.) night service at church
Written a guest post for Tease Your Toes
Keep on keeping on,
Yes I did burn myself and it did hurt |
My meds. This stuff pretty much saved me |
I put some BurnAid on. It smells nice |
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Hey guys,
This is gonna be a really short post coz I'm going to the library with my mates... :)
Today I helped in Embassy again. (I do it every week coz I 'love' the kids) but there was a healing service going on in Big Church (that's what the Embassy kids call it) So, I'm actually pretty devos that I couldn't get there.
Am I the only person that's invisible?? I don't know why, but people don't want to talk to me...?
On the other hand this guy I kinda. used to, like just randomly came up to me after church and said hi. Talk about strange. This guy, Tom, doesn't know how to have a proper conversation. It's actually polite to ask questions as well...
So I just had a rather frustrating week in all. More about it soon. I'm gonna be late to the library. And this is a rather strange post. Oh, well..
Keep on keeping on,
This is gonna be a really short post coz I'm going to the library with my mates... :)
Today I helped in Embassy again. (I do it every week coz I 'love' the kids) but there was a healing service going on in Big Church (that's what the Embassy kids call it) So, I'm actually pretty devos that I couldn't get there.
Am I the only person that's invisible?? I don't know why, but people don't want to talk to me...?
On the other hand this guy I kinda. used to, like just randomly came up to me after church and said hi. Talk about strange. This guy, Tom, doesn't know how to have a proper conversation. It's actually polite to ask questions as well...
So I just had a rather frustrating week in all. More about it soon. I'm gonna be late to the library. And this is a rather strange post. Oh, well..
Keep on keeping on,
Friday, 24 February 2012
Interview with CaLea from {im}perfect
I had the opportunity to chat to CaLea from {im}perfect. Here is the chat/interview sorta thing we did. (Is not the e-mail the most wonderful invention?)
1. Give a short bio of yourself...?
Most people call me crazy, but I suppose you can just call me CaLea. (Kuh-lee)
I have seventeen years of life tucked in my back pocket, but my maturity level still resides somewhere around the ripe age of five.
I often make a whole bunch of nonsense, which I suppose means I make absolutely no sense at all. I enjoy life.The only type of serious I am is seriously obnoxious. I'm still secretly waiting for my Hogwarts letter, I enjoy taking photographs, and I spend the majority of my time running around beneath the glorious beams of light emitted from the sun while girded up in soccer cleats, shin guards, over-sized t-shirts, and multicolored shorts. Once upon a time, when I was five years old, I had a major accident, and the doc told my poor mother I'd never talk again. Now it's been twelve whole years since that day, and they haven't been able to shut me up since. Somewhere between then and now, I started my blog. It started out as a place to record all the moments worth recording, and morphed into a virtual imaginary friend. I like blogging, and I like making new friends, so stop on by, I don't bite.. (well, usually.)
2. What are five words to describe your personality?
Obnoxious, (slightly) insane, spastic, loving, and driven
To be quite honest, I started blogging when I was in seventh grade because I wanted to be a part of "the crew." Back in the day, all the cool girls had blogs, so naturally, I felt inclined to start one as well. (Yeah, yeah, I know, I had my priorities all tangled up like a pair of earphones stuffed carelessly into a pocket.) And let me tell you, it was absolutely wretched; I'm willing to bet that it was probably the worst corner of the internet in its time. Anyways, the blog fad became a part of history, and all those poor blogs slowly became sad and neglected. Several years later, as I entered high school, somewhere in the middle of my Sophomore year, I made the decision to birth a new blog. Starting high school was like starting a new chapter of my life, and I was determined to share my story. From that point on, my blog became the open book to all the thoughts crammed into my head and all the crazy events that happened in my life.
4. What are some of your favourite blogs?
There are so many blogs out there that I really enjoy reading. It's hard to pick "favorite" blogs because each blog is different, and I enjoy each one for very different reasons. However, when it all comes down to it, there are few blogs that I basically read religiously. My top three would probably have to be TheM(squared)Story, The Daybook, and Rockstar Diaries.
I'm a teenage girl, and my posts are as crazy as my hormones. I've been known to blog about bellybuttons, boys, and everything in between. Some posts are deep and inspirational, while others are brimming with sarcasm and sprinkled with humor. In all reality, you just never know what to expect. (I never know what to expect either.) I write what I feel. I write what's on my mind. I write to let out all the thoughts and emotions that have been stuffed inside me, threatening to break free at any given moment.
6.What do you do when not blogging?
I play soccer on a highly competitive level, so whenever I'm not blogging, you'll most likely find me running around a grassy field wearing muddy cleats and an over-sized t-shirt. If I'm not playing soccer, I'm usually reading, attempting to write a novel, going on an adventure, or just plain going crazy.
7. What are you future goals?
Now that I'm nearing my senior year in high school, the number one question people ask me these days is, "What do you want to do when you get older?" or "What are your plans for the future?" and the only response that ever comes to my head is, "Happy." That's usually when the inquirer will give me a look that suggests that I am a complete idiot, or that i didn't understand the question. But I assure you, I understand exactly what they're asking, but they just don't understand my answer. My biggest goal in life is to be happy. My plan for the future is to be happy. I can't control what the future may bring, but I can control the way I'm will go about living my life, and I am going to life my life happily.
If I were to be completely honest, I have as much of a sense of style as a hippopotomus. I just admire anyone who takes the time to make themselvse look pretty.
Is she not delightful? And kinda strange? Thank you, CaLea, for talking to me.
Keep on keeping on,
Guest Poster: Heather from Finding Beauty In The Ordinary
Hi! My name is Heather and I blog over at Finding Beauty in the Ordinary.
I'm a 26 year old, happily married, adventure seeking blog lover :) My
little blog is a place to share what's on my heart and what my husband and I are up to as we have recently
relocated to a new city for his new job. I love capturing a moment by
camera and simply finding beauty in the ordinary moment of life.

The past couple of months, I've started blogging actively, using social media, and have been trying to keep up with it all. Most days, I feel like I'm drowning in information. Do you ever feel that way?
I get burnt out easily and often feel completely drained from technology! There are days where I feel like I go to bed with my laptop and wake up with it. Oh, and how can I forget my iPhone? That thing is my own personal little companion. I'm addicted.
I get burnt out easily and often feel completely drained from technology! There are days where I feel like I go to bed with my laptop and wake up with it. Oh, and how can I forget my iPhone? That thing is my own personal little companion. I'm addicted.
Have you seen this video before?
Some of my favorites points for staying creative were these:
- Carry a notebook everywhere
- Get away from the computer
- Take breaks
- Go somewhere new
- Get lots of rest
- Stop trying to be someone else's perfect
Wowzers! Ummm... I need to watch this again. How often do I take a true break from technology? As in, literally LEAVE the computer, the phone, the emails... and get away? Whether that's going on a long drive somewhere beautiful, or sitting on the beach near the ocean, hiking to the highest peak of a mountain, or going on an evening walk? Or simply doing the mundane things of life like doing the dishes and folding laundry without being interrupted constantly by the ding of the iPhone notifying me of emails? When was the last time I gave my husband my 100% attention? Not just the "Oh yeah, really, babe? What happened at work today?" question while I'm skimming through my BlogLovin' feed and diverting my attention elsewhere. I'm guilty.
There is so much beauty around us. Let's get out there and enjoy it. There's a time and a place for everything, including our blog, email and technology time. Don't get me wrong, I love it all :) But when it all comes down to it, people are the most important things in life... let's invest in them, and really be with them when we're with them. And take breaks from technology consistently and really live.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Interview with Abbi from True Blue Abbi
I had the chance to do an interview with Abbigayle from True Blue Abbi.(Take a look at her blog. It's actually pretty cool.) So here it is.
1. What are five words to describe your personality?
Sarcastic, Outgoing, Hardworking, Loving, Advice Giver-I love giving people crap. When I get to know someone I'm the real me. I love helping others. People always come to me for advice.
2. Why, and when, did you start blogging?
I started True Blue Abbi around 1 1/2 years ago. It was a 10 hour project for my church stuff. My dad had the idea and one of my aunts helped me start it up. It's been so great!
3. What are some of your favourite blogs?
A couple favorites are The Daybook and Little Chief Honeybee!
4. What sort of things do you blog about?
I'm Mormon and that was the point of my blog. It's so people can know about my faith and what I believe. So, I love fashion...but I post about modest fashion. I also love typography so I add that to. I also add little things about my life and such to the posts.
5.What do you do when not blogging?
I love to read. I'm such a huge bookworm. At times when I've gone to football games when we pull in I'll say "Ohhh, I wish I would've brought a book!" Just because I'm nervous. I also research things on the computer. I'm really big on fashion and beauty.
6. What are you future goals?
I want to marry a good, strong country man. Be a stay at home mom. Publish the novel I'm working on. Probably go to collage for a couple years, and maybe do photography on the side!
7. Do you have any style icons? And if so, who are they?
Even though she's not the best person, I love love love Miley Cyrus! She's so beautiful and has a fun indie style when it comes to casual wear. I also like Ashley Tisdale and Emma Roberts.
8. Give a short bio of yourself...?
Well, I'm 14 and homeschooled; have been since the middle of 6th grade. I'm a freshman now. I love reading, writing, and photography. I'm the second youngest in a family of five. I was blonde until late November of 2011. I'm super boy crazy as well. Haha!
Thankyou Abbi, for taking time out of your day to chat to me. Isn't she delightful? So much like me in some ways. :)
Keep on keeping on,
Thankyou Abbi, for taking time out of your day to chat to me. Isn't she delightful? So much like me in some ways. :)
Keep on keeping on,
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Are You Gonna be a Guest Poster??
Hey guys,
My mind has gone blank for now, so I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a guest post for this here blog. If so contact me
My mind has gone blank for now, so I was wondering if anyone wanted to do a guest post for this here blog. If so contact me
as soon as possible and I'll get back to you. I have a few guest posts lined up but feel free to come guest post here, m'dears.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Oh yeah they did!
"The trees are closing in,
They're falling down.
What's wrong?
What's happening?"
-Original poem, Those Trees
I'm doing a guest post at Lily Caroline Photography today. So go check it out?? :)
Just in case you haven't got it, this is breaking news. Like seriously! Tash (the mum I babysit for) had a baby 10 days ago!! I got to meet him today. His names Jason Warwick (how cute! Such a big name for a little boy)
I was babysitting today as you might have guessed. Three little girls and (now) a little boy (the cutest boy I have ever seen, I must say) Monday is my "Lets go babysit and slack off in school work day." The conversations I have with the two oldest girls are hilarious and altogether awkward. Oh, the hilarity!
Leonie: "Sarah, do you have little hairs on your...?"
Me: "Um, how bout you tell me a story?"
Jazzie: "Zarah, does your daddy have a ...?"
Oh, yes they did. (Use your imagination about the dots. It's not that hard.) Believe it or not those two girls ask the awkwardest questions. I blame it on one of their aunties, Jess (I mentioned her in previous posts, she's my mentor) It's all your fault, Jess!! (If you're reading this, m'dear, I still love you.)
Oh, and my sister can touch her head with her foot. And so can I, just casually.
That is all,
They're falling down.
What's wrong?
What's happening?"
-Original poem, Those Trees
I'm doing a guest post at Lily Caroline Photography today. So go check it out?? :)
Just in case you haven't got it, this is breaking news. Like seriously! Tash (the mum I babysit for) had a baby 10 days ago!! I got to meet him today. His names Jason Warwick (how cute! Such a big name for a little boy)
This isn't Jason (but isn't he cute) source |
Leonie: "Sarah, do you have little hairs on your...?"
Me: "Um, how bout you tell me a story?"
Jazzie: "Zarah, does your daddy have a ...?"
Oh, yes they did. (Use your imagination about the dots. It's not that hard.) Believe it or not those two girls ask the awkwardest questions. I blame it on one of their aunties, Jess (I mentioned her in previous posts, she's my mentor) It's all your fault, Jess!! (If you're reading this, m'dear, I still love you.)
Oh, and my sister can touch her head with her foot. And so can I, just casually.
That is all,
Sunday, 19 February 2012
What I Wore// The Purple Roman
"So if you dare to find me
Look to the western skies
As someone told me lately
'Ev'ryone deserves a chance to fly'
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground
Send a message back for me
Tell them how I'm defying gravity
I'm flying high
Defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown
And nobody in all of Oz
No wizard that there is or was
Is ever going to bring me down!"
-Wicked, the musical, Defying Gravity
So it's time for...
!another outfit post, me thinks!
and here it is
this is what I wore to church (Embassy)
yes, that's right I did the flapper hairstyle |
except I might call it the Roman lady hairstyle now |
I love the fact that she had the camera cord over the lens |
my sister made me laugh |
my wonderful sister who takes all the outfit post photos |
dress: seduce (came with a magazine)
handbag: present from my granddad
belt: some store in harbour town (it was on sale)
shoes: thrifted
rings: prouds & angus&cootes
bracelets: various other places
Friday, 17 February 2012
Writers Block
"I can't keep a straight face
And say this is not the end
Not if you want it
It's upon us
And I want to say it's sinking in."
-Relient K, (If You Want It)
And say this is not the end
Not if you want it
It's upon us
And I want to say it's sinking in."
-Relient K, (If You Want It)
I'm writing a story
About a girl called B'rinna (don't you just love the name)
It's called 'I'm alright. I'm still alive' (title subject to change)
And I have 14ish chapters
12ish pages
And 4,739 words in total (I actually love Microsoft Word)
But now
I have massive writers block.
It's actually ridiculous
I don't like it much
It's pathetic
And it makes me do this
!!!!WRITERS BLOCK OMG I NEED SOME INSPIRATION!!! (some weird sentence) omgosh i have writers block can't think of anything at all not anymore my brain is fried omgosh i hate this !!!bum!!! |
Have a fantastic Friday
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Ice cream recipe/Bloglovin'
I know. Two posts in one day. A bit weird, ey? But I wanted to do a DIY/food post. So here it is...
Homemade Simple Vanilla Icecream
125grams castor sugar
4 egg yolks
200mL cream (just plain cream)
200mL milk
1. Place egg yolks and castor sugar in a bowl and mix until light and creamy. Basically they have to be a bit yellow.
2. Add milk and cream gradually.
3. (This step is additional.) Add other flavours/ingredients. I put in some Crunchie chocolate this time and mix it all together. (For the mixing process I used an icecream maker)
4. Either eat and enjoy, or stick it in the freezer.
Simple, 4 step recipe to make rather delicious icecream. Hope you enjoy making it.
PS. I now have Bloglovin' so click on this link and..
Homemade Simple Vanilla Icecream
125grams castor sugar
4 egg yolks
200mL cream (just plain cream)
200mL milk
2. Add milk and cream gradually.
3. (This step is additional.) Add other flavours/ingredients. I put in some Crunchie chocolate this time and mix it all together. (For the mixing process I used an icecream maker)
4. Either eat and enjoy, or stick it in the freezer.
PS. I now have Bloglovin' so click on this link and..
Waterfall braid XD
On Pinterest, there are heaps of hair and beauty boards, which I absolutely love. Just randomly today I was clicking on the links and found a really neat waterfall braid tutorial. Which I proceeded to try out on my own hair, not knowing how it will turn out (my hair is rather wavy, and I just got it cut short). It actually turned out pretty good. Here are some pictures to show...
flapper hairstyle |
waterfall braid |
again |
Add caption |
Add caption |
photos in order:
flapper hairstyle (front view)
side view
waterfall braid (side view)
back view
back view again
fringe/bangs in plait (right side)
left side
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Blood test results...
"Sorrow lasts through this night.
I'll take this piece of you,
And hold for all eternity.
For just one second I felt whole,
As you flew right through me."
-Flyleaf, Sorrow
I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30am. So thinking it will be the first few of the day, I'll get in quickly. 3 hours later... All I want is my blood tests results which...
I'll take this piece of you,
And hold for all eternity.
For just one second I felt whole,
As you flew right through me."
-Flyleaf, Sorrow
I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30am. So thinking it will be the first few of the day, I'll get in quickly. 3 hours later... All I want is my blood tests results which...
which means (hopefully) no more of this
I am a healthy woman. But my brain has decided it wants to become nocturnal, and finally catch up with the fact that I am a teenager. Which pretty much means I can't get to sleep until like 11pm at night. Which explains the tiredness.
and much more of this.
Anyways I am a normal teenager (finally) doing the whole grunt groan, I am so tired.
One of the teachers aides I work with on Wednesdays, Mrs. Kennet, commented on the fact that I didn't take any lunch to school. She said, "You're the smartest, stupidest twit I know." I actually feel so loved.
xoxTuesday, 14 February 2012
Pinterest! XD
Monday, 13 February 2012
Birthday cake
So this is what I want my birthday cake to look like but this is what Jasmine wants it to look like.
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